
Are you crazy enough to work at Jazzmine and Skeet ? There is no shame in admitting you can’t handle a fast paced and absolutely clinically insane environment. But if you can, we like that. Go ahead and peruse our jobs directory if you dare and apply today to start your journey with Jazzmine and Skeet.

Administrative Assistant Full Time / W2

Min Salary: $30,000 Max Salary: $42,000 Location: Southern California \ Remote Posted by: admin Date: May 23, 2024

Technical Apparel Designer Full Time / W2

Min Salary: $75,000 Max Salary: $95,000 Location: Southern California \ Remote Posted by: admin Date: May 23, 2024

Marketing Director Full Time / W2

Min Salary: $60,000 Max Salary: $85,000 Location: Southern California \ Remote Posted by: admin Date: May 23, 2024

Accountant Full Time / W2

Min Salary: $60,000 Max Salary: $85,000 Location: Southern California \ Remote Posted by: admin Date: May 23, 2024

IT Director Full Time / W2

Min Salary: $85,000 Max Salary: $105,000 Location: Southern California \ Remote Posted by: admin Date: May 23, 2024

Warehouse Associate Full Time / W2

Min Salary: $30,000 Max Salary: $45,000 Location: Southern California Posted by: admin Date: May 23, 2024